The lower stump torso is long enough to allow carrying the bandage around the body over the uninvolved hip at the level of the iliac crest. (NOTE: There is no embedded, palpable skeletal material.) Both the upper and lower portions can be used to demonstrate the attachment of prosthetic devices.
The upper torso includes the two arms – one is amputated above the elbow; the other above the wrist. Both arms are slightly extended in a patient-like position to facilitate bandaging. The compressibility of the material very closely duplicates actual experience with a patient. The lower torso is representative of a patient in a supine position with legs slightly abducted. One leg is amputated below the knee; the other at mid-thigh. Includes instruction manuals. Individually boxed. Size of upper stump: 26″ x 18″ x 13″. Size of lower stump: 35″ x 15″ x 10″. Five-year warranty.
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