cpr training

CPR: The Basics Everyone Needs to Know

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is a life-saving method that can be applied in an emergency to aid with the heart and lung restart. CPR is easy to learn and can be performed by anyone, even those without experienced medical training. In this post, we will discuss the basics of CPR and how it can be used to save lives.

What are the CPR steps everyone should know?

When someone’s breathing or heart has quit beating, CPR should be administered as soon as possible. The purpose of CPR is to maintain blood supply to the brain while restarting the heart and lungs.


There are two main types of CPR: chest compressions and rescue breaths. Chest compressions are used to circulate oxygenated blood through the body and are the most important part of CPR. Rescue breaths are used to deliver oxygen directly to the lungs and are only necessary if the victim is not breathing on their own.

  1. Check for consciousness. Tap the shoulder and ask, “Are you okay?”
  2. If there is no response, call 911 and begin chest compressions.
  3. Compress the chest to a depth of two inches in the center of the victim’s chest.
  4. At a rate of 100–120 compressions per minute, give 30 chest compressions.
  5. If needed, Open the airway by tilting the head back and lifting the chin.
  6. Pinch the nose closed and give two rescue breaths.

Until assistance arrives or the person starts breathing on their own, keep applying chest compressions and rescue breaths. It is important to note that CPR should only be performed on someone unresponsive and not breathing. If the victim is coughing or has a pulse, they do not need CPR.

What are the benefits of CPR training?

chest compression

CPR training can help you feel more confident and prepared in an emergency situation. It can also give you the skills to save a life. According to the American Heart Association, CPR training can reduce the risk of death from cardiac arrest by up to 40%.

CPR training is easy to find and usually takes less than two hours to complete. Many community organizations, like the Red Cross, offer CPR classes. You can also find online courses or take a class at your local gym or community center. Shop CPR training supplies online at CPR Depot Canada.